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Page: Book 2 of the Protector of the Small Quartet, by Tamora Pierce
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“Tamora Pierce creates epic worlds populated by girls and women of bravery, heart, and strength. Her work inspired a generation of writers and continues to inspire us.” —HOLLY BLACK, #1 New York Times bestselling author“Few authors can slay so effectively with a single sentence—I mean fist-in-the-air, shouting-at-my-book slay—as Tamora Pierce. All these years later, I still draw strength from her words.” —MARIE LU, #1 New York Times bestselling author “Tamora Pierce is a seminal figure in the fantasy field of writing, turning out one terrific book after another.” —TERRY BROOKS, New York Times bestselling author of the Sword of Shannara trilogy“It’s impossible to overstate Tamora Pierce’s impact on children’s literature. Her tough, wise, and wonderful heroines have inspired generations of readers.” —RAE CARSON, New York Times bestselling author “In the world of YA fantasy, there’s before Tamora Pierce, and then after her female heroes started kicking down the doors (and walls, and other barriers)!” —BRUCE COVILLE, New York Times bestselling author “Tamora Pierce is a trailblazer for so many fantasy writers, hacking through the old tropes with her narrative machete and showing us that girl-centered adventures are not just possible but amazing.” —RACHEL HARTMAN, New York Times bestselling author “Tamora Pierce’s writing is like water from the swiftest, most refreshingly clear, invigorating, and revitalizing river.” —GARTH NIX, New York Times bestselling author“Tamora Pierce is gloriously unafraid to give her readers joy and laughter along with adventure and struggle, to let us love her characters wholeheartedly and find the best of ourselves in them.” —NAOMI NOVIK, New York Times bestselling author “Tamora Pierce and her brilliant heroines didn’t just break down barriers; they smashed them with magical fire.” —KATHERINE ARDEN, author of The Bear and the Nightingale “Tamora Pierce’s bold, courageous heroines illuminate the journey to womanhood.” —CALLIE BATES, author of The Waking Land “Tamora Pierce is the queen of YA fantasy, and we are all happy subjects in her court.” —JESSICA CLUESS, author of A Shadow Bright and Burning “Tamora Pierce’s novels gave me a different way of seeing the world. They were like nothing I’d encountered before. Alanna stormed her way into my thirteen-year-old heart and told me that I could write gorgeous, complicated novels about vibrantly real people in fantastic situations, and to be honest, she’s never left.” —ALAYA DAWN JOHNSON, award-winning author of Love Is the Drug
Kel fights to maintain the rigorous regimen of a page while confronting the prejudices that come with being a female in a man’s world and coping with a crush on her closest friend, Neal.“Pierce makes Kel sweat for her success through perseverance, hard work, and skill. Readers will appreciate this true example of grrrl power.”—School Library Journal
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 288 Seiten
Verlag: Ember (24. August 2004)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0375829075
ISBN-13: 978-0375829079
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: Ab 12 Jahren
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
14 x 1,8 x 21 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.8 von 5 Sternen
11 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 100.769 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Ein junges Mädchen verfolgt ihren Traum Ritter zu werden und trotzt allen Widrigkeiten.In den Büchern um Kel wirdihre Geschichte und ihr Werdegang zu Ritter begleitet.
Since I gave "First Test" 5 stars, I really need 6 for this one. It's even better! The second book in the Protector of the Small series, "Page" covers Keladry's last three years as a page in knighthood-training school. We meet several new characters: Lalasa, Kel's maid, whom Kel hires in order to protect her from ill treatment by others; Owen, the young page whose favorite word is "jolly"; and a new animal friend (in addition to Kel's cranky yet loyal horse, Peachblossom, and her helpful flock of sparrows), the faithful dog Jump. Kel continues to stand up to bullies and works to conquer her fear of heights. Her mysterious benefactor bestows more gifts on her. Keladry of Mindelan is an admirable and likable heroine, and in this book she shows her courage, resourcefulness and leadership ability. If you haven't read the two previous Tortallan series, The Song of the Lioness Quartet and The Immortals, don't delay! These are all well-written, exciting, fun fantasies that can be enjoyed by both young readers and grown-ups.
This book was great! More Kel, more Neal, more Cleon, and some new kids too, like Owen, who's immediately likable. The years passed by in a flash and now I'm dying to know who will take Kel on as his squire? Sir Raoul? I don't think Alanna would just yet since Kel is still in a sense proving herself and you want her to stand on her own two feet- but I could be wrong. Also, will Neal reciprocate Kel's feelings? And if he does, will it be another passing-by Jon-and-Alanna kind of thing, or the more lasting attraction of Numair & Daine? (BTW: someone miscounted Neal's beauties. It's just Daine, Uline and the Queen! :) The big question is: what in the world is Joren up to? I don't trust him one whit. He is way too suspicious; but what taught him subtlety? Tuck in and enjoy! Too bad it's so short. Let's hope the next will be longer and that it comes out real soon!
Also, ich muss ja zugeben, dass ich dachte dass nach den Alanna und Daine-Series nichts mehr kommen würde über Tortall und ich war wirklich traurig, denn diese 8 Bände zählen zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsbüchern und die Charaktere waren mir total ans Herz gewachsen. Ich stand also der neuen Reihe sehr skeptisch gegenüber, zumal ich über das angegebene Zielgruppenalter inzwischen weit hinausgewachsen bin. Doch sowohl first test, als auch page schlugen mich derart in ihren Bann, dass ich die Bücher nicht mehr weglegen konnte und sie innerhalb von zwei Tagen und zwei Nächten verschlang.Diese Bücher zu lesen ist als würde man alte Freunde wiedertreffen, denn alle sind wieder da: Alanna, Jonathan, Gary, Raoul, Daine, Numair, Myles usw. Für Leute die die ersten 8 Bände über Tortall gelesen haben sind die Bücer fantastisch, aber auch Neulinge im Reich von König Jonathan, werden sich von Kels Yamani-Manieren, ihrem Gerechtigkeitssinn bezaubern lassen. Auch die neuen Gesichter sind wie immer absolut überzeugend dargestellt, Neal mit seiner vorlauten Art, Cleon mit seiner romantischen Ader (*grins* jaaajaa, wowird das wohl enden...?)und sogar der anfangs furchtbar erscheinendes Lord Wyldon wir mir langsam sympathischer. Dann sind da noch die Traditionalisten Joren, Vinson und Garvey, ich bin sooo gespannt wie es weitergehen wird und bekomme Squire und Lady Knight erst in 10-16 Tagen, furchtbar!! Ich weiß nicht wie ich die Zeit bis dahin aushalten soll!!Also mein Fazit: Unbedingt lesen!!!
Well! Keladry is back for her next three years of being a page and up to no good. She is actually up to good, of course...but gets in plenty of trouble for it. She proves herself of being as good a page as any boy at the palace, and even SORT of impresses the Stump - KIND of. The mysterious benefactor (that remains SO OBVIOUS to the reader) continues to give her unbelievably expensive and useful gifts. Also, I am not sure if this is a disappointment or a relief: Kel has finally seen the light in Neal and fallen in love. What I like most is how REALISTIC it is; Neal does NOT like her back. At her age that is most common, I find. The book leaves me waiting impatiently for the next, in which, I'm almost certain, Kel will begin squiring. I sure hope the Lioness picks her!
The book Page is much better than the last. Keladry's charcter has developed and her new and old friends are still on her side against "The Stump" as Neal fondly refers to him. We see what may be the beginning of a romance between Keladry and two potential suitors as well. Kel has a maid taken into her care who is an interesting character, and Joren may have had a change of heart. Page deals with a little bit more adult issues such as sexual harrasment and rape, but is still enjoyable for most ages. If that isn't enough to get you to interested into buying the book, here's something: The Stump has a new way of looking at Kel (not romantic, don't worry)
I totally love this book! Although nothing really big happened I know that she had to climb baron neddle to save her maid and when the raiders atacked the other pages, but Alanna had the tusine war and Daine had to deal with Dulthal's problem.I wonder why Joren is all of the sudden all to nice to her?You just know Cleon likes Kel.I think that if the maids weren't there he might of kissed her.Thats only my opinon.All an all, this was a very good book well thought out and everything.You should read it.
I've been a loyal Tamora Pierce for many years now and was dissapointed by what I thought was a major decline in her writing abilities in the Circle of Magic series. This new series, however, is quite good. This book was even better than the first, and while it doesn't have quite the same amazing descriptive language and phenominal character develpment that charactarized the Song of the Lioness quartet, it is a very enjoyable read!
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